
Beth Franken, Real Estate Broker | Oak Park, IL

Hello there! Welcome back to my photography blog! Today, I’d love to share Beth Franken’s branded session with you.

Beth is a real estate broker in Oak Park, Illinois. She works at BHHS Chicago. She is a lovely person and has so many talents. Previously, Beth was a professional writer. She has worked in both the advertising and journalism fields. She then decided to take a chance and flip a house, and subsequently determined she had a knack for real estate! Of course she wrote about the experience and those articles were featured in the “Chicago Tribune.”

Beth has an eye for design, she is also fantastic with numbers. Beth always puts her clients’ need first, making her a wonderful asset to any real estate transaction.

During Covid 19, Beth bought a new property in Oak Park, restyling it and finishing the attic. It is where we met for her branding session. I was just in awe as I walked through her beautiful property! As an HGTV fanatic, it was so fun to see what you can do with an empty space. She enhanced an already lovely property by adding her beautiful design ideas.

Here is Beth. Isn’t she cute?! And check out this bright, beautiful reading nook!

Did you need a book, for the nook? Curated to perfection, this staircase to the third floor (formerly the attic) is jaw dropping!

The wall paper, the decor, the colors. Everything was Beth’s personal touch. She has got it, she really does!

It was an honor to be invited into Beth’s home in Oak Park and to photograph her newest masterpiece. I hope you enjoyed the sneak peek of her lovely home! Maybe some inspo for your next project! 😉

Click Here to Get to Know Beth and learn more about her real estate expertise.

As always, I thank you for reading. Until next time, take care!


Realtor sitting in a chair of her recently rehabbed home.
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Evelyn Humphries- Real Estate Broker | Westchester, IL

Hey friend, welcome back to the blog! This blog will definitely date my work and my relationship with a great friend. I’d like to introduce, Evelyn. She is a real estate broker at BHHS Chicago. The moment I met Evelyn, I would we would connect. She has killer style, a tell it like it is personality that I admire, and she is a great listener! We’ve been friends for some time and she trusted to me to take some photos of her back when I started to dabble in photography in 2019. She was so sweet to trust me, still learning the ins and outs of a DSLR camera!

I remember the date we booked for our session. It had rained a bit, it was not exactly a sunshiny kind of day, but we walked around Oak Park and made the best of what we could (with the light and humidity!)

So here are some of the images from that session…it makes me realize, there is growth with each session, each year, every new gadget and technology you invest in too!

Four years later, Evelyn was ready to update her headshot. We were able to use a fancy condo building that was for sale by BHHS at the time. A change up from her previous location. Again a rainy and dreary day. I remember raindrops on the windows and NO LIGHT coming in the unit…of course. Again, we made the best of this high end location. Evelyn looking all so fancy as all we really needed anyhow!

This year, Evelyn was once again looking to update her headshot. We were brainstorming on location ideas. An idea came to me, there is an adorable new cafe/lounge in Westchester called Aviator. I always admired those Pinterest cafe photo shoots and would love an opportunity to actually create one! Luckily, Aviator agreed to host us! We picked a good time in between serving cappuccinos and espresso martinis- there was a break in customers.

Told ya, she has killer style. Thinking back on the sessions with my friend, I think about growth. How much you can you improve at something without even really noticing. Practice, fine tuning, retrying and trying again. We are all improving, growing, learning something new each day, each year. Evelyn, too, has grown in real estate. I watched her, from new to the business, to now helping repeat clients buy and sell homes. I know she loves helping them achieve their real estate dreams. She gives good advice and will not beat around the bush just to get a sale. A friend, a realtor you can trust!

Evelyn’s Website is HERE. Click to read more about Evelyn and her real estate services.

Until next time!


Lovely realtor taking a phone call at a cafe
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