Hello friends! Welcome back to the blog. Today’s story is all about Antonia Mia! She is going to be ONE year old this month! Time flies! Her mom reached out to me for an in-home family session. Antonia Mia was going to be celebrating her half birthday at the time!! 🎉
Antonia is their first born, so you know all those milestones are just so exciting. First Christmas, first smile, first laugh, first steps. You really gotta soak it all in! A photo session is a great way to capture those memories.
Look at that adorable face! She was so precious, the apple of both of her parents’ eye!
I enjoyed meeting Dave, Maria and Antonia so much! I just captured some shots as they played and sang to Antonia. She was enjoying her family time as well.
Then my tiny client got tired and drifted off to sleep. Her tiny fingers curled up, and for a moment, the whole world felt softer. It was the sweetest thing—pure, unfiltered trust and calm. Moments like these make my work even more special.
Calm and still. Quiet and peaceful. Antonia’s parents watched her with a tenderness that filled the room, their eyes soft with love. It was a magical moment.
Dave & Maria, thank you for inviting me into your home to capture your beautiful family! I know you will be feeling so many emotions as your baby turns from days, months to a year old. I hope these images bring you back to these special moments. The laughter will get a little louder, and little steps will replace crawling. The memories will get grander and each year simply passes quicker than you can ever imagine.
Until next time.